About Us

Robu Group was founded in 2000 with headquarters in Istanbul. By emphasizing quality and trust Robu Group gives a full service to its customers with great reliance by the help of experience and know-how in infrastructure sector. Robu Group has graced its successes with its own brand Weltech which operates in plastic welding technologies.

As a Robu Group subsidiary, Robu Construction operates in the “eld of turn-key commitment of infra- and superstructure construction projects. Robu Construction has managed to serve many special engineering and contracting projects in its own field of operation successfully by accomplishing proper and quali”ed progress. By aiming quality and reliance in “rst place
Robu Construction has achieved to give con”dence to sector and to its customers.

Among thefield of interest of Robu Construction comes followings; shopping malls, entertainment centers, open field drainage projects, mining project drainage and collector lines, potable and sewage network projects, transmission lines, natural gas line procets, hydroelectric power plant projects, natural gas conversion power plant projects, agricultural irrigation projects, waste water treatment plant projects, solid waste disposal facilities, horizontal-vertical drilling, factory facilities, industrial plant projects, agricultural production facilities etc.

With its experience in project management and highly quali”ed human resources Robu Construction approaches every project with great enthusiasm and professional way of thinking. We progress with the power and con”dence of each successfully finished project and work hard to accomplish more to add to our honor list with sustainable growth.